Choose 4 red opposition players (1-4). Everyone else form even numbers behind stations. Player (C) and opposition (1) both start in the northern goalsquare, players (G) and (H) and defender (4) start in the southern goalsquare. Opposition players (5) and (6) stay vacant for the time being.
Step 1
On the whistle (A) starts, simulating taking a defensive mark by backpedaling and looking upfield. Immediately active are teammates (A) and (B), and opposition (1). The immediate goal is to win the 3-on-1 and work the ball through the northern goalsquare by hand and foot, although there is no marking, everything is play-on.
Full match conditions, i.e. tackling.
If, at any stage, the defenders cause a turnover or force a scrimmage, the drill stops and players move to the end of the line
Step 2
Once a player with the ball has their foot in the goalsquare, 5 other players enter the contest. Opposition (2) tries to create a turnover, while (D) provides a lead to the fat-side. (E), (F) and opposition (3) sprint to the far wing to provide options further afield.
Remember players (D) (E) (F) and opposition (2) (3) can't leave their cone until a player has the ball in the goalsquare.
Step 3
Either (A), (B) or (C) must hit (D) with a kick. These 4 players must carry the ball past opposition players (1) and (2) using the open (fat side). Again, kicks can be used but everything is play-on.
Step 4
The next recipient will be either (E) or (F) who have both sprinted from the far wing. Defender (3) tries to cover both of these players.
All players in the contest so far stay involved and provide running options
Step 5
Once clear, the attacking team must kick to the best positioned leading forward out of (G) and (H) who are both covered by opposition (4).
The best positioned player will be open and closest to goal
Step 6
After a target is hit, take a shot, or runners can assist to kick the goal if the ball hits the ground.
Step 7
Attacking players (A - D) now join stations (E - H), and vice versa. Upon returning to the same end again, rotate around 1 station (A to B, D to A, and E to F, H to E, etc).
Step 8
After 2 ends, swap the opposition players.
Step 9
For added difficulty, introduce extra defenders (5) and (6) about halfway through the exercise.