Do you know who your best running shots for goal from outside 5om are? If you don't know, test the most skilled players over 10 kicks, recording distance kicked and accuracy. If you are lucky enough to have players who can kick long goals on the run, these players are your designated kickers who start on the edge of the square at (C), along with 4 other forwards. Have 2 forwards at (A) and 2 defenders at (B), with these cones 5m apart.
Step 1
Coach signals 'go!' and (A) leads towards (D) who can be a player or coach, while defender (B) chases.
First turn (A) leads to cone (1); 2nd turns leads to cone (2), 3rd turn to (3).
Step 2
(D) kicks so (A) marks the ball just beyond their range.
(D) should know (A)'s kicking limit, and kick so they mark just beyond it.
Step 3
All players must be aware of how the set play works, and react quickly
Know the designated kicker who must inconspicuously position themself in front of (A)
Forwards at (C) create a path for the designated kicker, by clearing right away from kicker's preferred side
Step 4
There are 2 types of hand-off to practice. Hand-off type (A)....the quarterback rush...
(A) hasn't yet gone back off their mark. For example they may have gone to ground when marking, or received a free.
(C) must use cunning to get right behind (A) without being noticed. (C) can trick the opposition by telling (A) to take a shot
As soon as (A) stands up however, they flick a tiny handball to (C), who arcs wide round (B), stealing a few yards inside-50, then takes a shot after straightening as much as possible.
Step 5
Hand-off type (B)....the set shot...
(A) walks back, giving themself an extra long run-up
Opposition are lulled into thinking a shot will occur. (C) inconspicuously walks into (A)'s field of vision
Just as (A) reaches the end of their run-up, with their back still facing (B), (A) flicks a tiny hand-off to (C) who effectively takes the set shot instead of (A). They will have less time however in their approach as (B) can charge at (A). That's why the handball should be done hidden from (B) and travel only a few centimetres.
Step 6
Practice both types of hand-off by firstly having (A) fall to ground after marking, then swap to (A) lining-up for the shot. Designated kickers have several turns at each method.
Step 7
Progression: You can give (A) some goal kicking practice by varying where they mark the kick. If they believe they are within range, take the shot instead.